Your partner in
green biotechnology
DEIFIL is a plant biotechnology company founded in 2010 whose mission is to use the “biotechnology at the service of agriculture”. In this sense, the production of plants whose reproductive system is not efficient or insufficient regarding the market demands is DEIFIL’s priority of action aiming at making available enough products to respond to the necessity of the main areas of activity. DEIFIL was a pioneer in Portugal in the use of in vitro culture for fruit plants, producing about two million a year.
DEIFIL has a well stablished R&D core and it’s self Plant Biotechnology Laboratory, as well as well-established partnerships with different Research entities, ranging from Reference R&D Centers to companies from different sectors of activity. These partnerships resulted in the R&D projects: ValorNatural, BIOma, PreVineGrape, MiChesnut3 and BreedMartainha.
Fundada em Dezembro de 2010, o potencial da DEIFIL foi reconhecido em 2011 no concurso SPINUM com a atribuição do prémio “Jovens Empreendedores” aos seus promotores.
Em 2012, a DEIFIL foi novamente reconhecida na 9ª edição do concurso Poliempreende com o 1º prémio regional atribuído pelo Instituto Politécnico de Bragança e 2º prémio a nível nacional.